Tuesday 12 January 2021

Thiruthevanarthogai Madhava Perumal

Moolavar of this sthalam is  Sri DeivaNayagan in the Nindra thirukkolam (Standing posture) facing east.

Prathyaksham for Vasishtar.

Thayaar in this sthalam is Kadalmagal Nachiyaar.

Pushkarani(holy tank) of this place is Sobana pushkarani, Devasabha pushkarani.

Mangalasasanams The temple is revered by the verses of Tirumangai azhwar

 We are now visiting the seventh temple in Thirunangur. The present name of the place is Keezhachalai. This is another temple being managed by Sri Muralidhara Swamigal. We are visiting the temple of Shri Kadal Magal Nachiar sametha Shri Deivanayakan (Utsavar: Madhava Perumal and Madhava Nayaki)This temple is around two kms from Van Purushothaman temple. The temple is open from 8.30 to 11.30 am and from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. The contact numbers are Balaji Bhattar @ 04364-256221/ 97864 90185. The theertham is Shobhana ( Deva Sabha) Pushkarni and the Vimanam is also called Shobana Vimanam.

The temple is on the south bank of river Mannar. This is a west facing temple. It is having a three tiered gopuram and all the shrines are enclosed within the tall compound wall (Madhil). The central shrine is that of Shri Deivanayakar who faces west. Generally, in most of the temple, Moolavar faces east. He is flanked by the two Thayars. He is in standing posture ( Nindra Thirukolam). Thayar and Utsavar Murthy shrines are in the prakaram.
Readers may be familiar with the story of churning of the Milk Ocean (Thiruparkadal) for getting the coveted Nectar. Sri Mahalakshmi is believed to have come out of this churning. This is the place where the Thayar got married to Perumal. Hence both the Lord and the Thayar are in their wedding attire. As the word Shobanam is associated with auspicious events like marriage, the pushkarni as well as the Vimanam are called by that name. In this aspect, this temple is compared to the Thiruvidanthai temple on the East Coast Road from Chennai to Mahabalipuram.
Since all the Devas assembled here as a group to witness the marriage ceremony, this place came to be called Devanar Thogai ( assembly of Devas). As He is the the leader of the Devas, He is called Deivanayakan or Devanathan. Thayar is called Kadal Magal ( daughter of the sea) Nachiar as She came out of the Milk Ocean. This is another temple where the construction is so precise ( there are two levels of Vimanam with a particular angle) that like the Tanjavur Big Temple, here also the shadow of the vimanam does not fall on the sanctorum.
The sthala puranam is related to Sage Durvasar and Indra. The Sage got the garland adorning the Lord in Vaikuntam. When he went to Indraloka, he gave the garland to Indra who did not realise the holiness of the garland . He threw the garland on his elephant Iravatham. The enraged sage cursed him to lose all his wealth as he had insulted not only the Lord but also Sri Lakshmi who was residing in the heart of the Lord. As She was controlling all his wealth, Indra would lose everything including his elephant.
Indra realised his mistake and sought a remedy from the sage. He was in no mood to forgive him and asked him to consult his guru, Brahaspathi. The Guru also expressed his helplessness and advised him to seek Brahma’s help. Brahma suggested surrendering to the Vaikuntavasan. Indra fell at the Feet of the Lord. Sri Vishnu said that as Indra committed a grave error, he had to pray till the time of churning of the Milk Ocean. Indra did intense penance and when the Milk Ocean churning went on, Sri Lakshmi came out of it along with Indra’s elephant iravatham. Sri Lakshmi pardoned Indra and gave him a fresh garland and Indra got back all his lost wealth.
This temple is connected with Sage Vasishta who was the Kula Guru of Ikshvaku kings ( Sri Rama was born in this dynasty ). The meaning of the word Vashista is one with unparalled brightness ( due to his conquering of desire, jealousy, anger, pride etc). He is believed to have got all his knowledge right from a very young age and he was one of the Saptharishis who was revered by everyone. He wrote one of the sections of Rig Veda and is the only Rishi who is mentioned there. This is the reason why the celestial cow Kamadhenu who came out of the Milk Ocean was given to Vashista. This sage had darshan of the Lord here.
Devotees pray in this temple if marriage proposals are getting delayed. Since the Lord and the Thayar got married and are present in their wedding attire in this temple, They would bless the devotees for an early marriage. Similarly, those who face acute financial problems pray to the Thayar for resolution of the issues. Note: Photos and some of the inputs were collected from various websites.

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