Showing posts with label Birth Star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth Star. Show all posts

Sunday 27 September 2020

புரட்டாசி ... ஏகாதசி... திருவோண... நந்தா விளக்கு

 புரட்டாசி விசேஷம். ஏகாதசி விசேஷம். திருவோண நட்சத்திர நாள் விசேஷம். இந்த மூன்றும் இணைந்த மகத்துவம் மிக்க நாளில், பெருமாளை மனதார வழிபாடுங்கள்.

திருப்பதி ஏழுமலையான் கோவிலில் திருவோணத்தன்று தீபம் ஏற்றப்படும். இதை சாஸ்ரதீப அலங்கார சேவை என்பர். அன்று ஏழுமாலையானின் உற்சவரான மலையப்பசாமி ஊர்வலமாக 4 மாடங்கள் வழியாக ஊஞ்சல் மண்டபத்துக்கு எழுந்தருள்வார். அங்கு ஆயிரத்தெட்டு திரிகளை கொண்ட நெய் விளக்கு ஏற்றப்படும். அப்போது திருமலையே ஜோதி மயமாக காட்சி தரும்.

பொய்கை ஆழ்வார்


பொய்கை ஆழ்வாரின் முதல் திருவந்தாதியின் முதல் பாசுரம்:

வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே நெய்யாக
வெய்ய கதிரோன் விளக்காகச் - செய்ய

சுடராழியான் அடிக்கே சூட்டினேன் சொல்மாலை
இடராழி நீங்குகவே என்று


எனத் தொடங்குகின்றது. உலகத்தை விளக்கு ஆகவும் (அகல்), அந்த விளக்கிற்கு நெய்யாகக் கடலையும் ஒளியாகக் கதிரவனையும் வைத்து மாலையாகப் பாசுரங்களைத் திருவடிகளுக்கு அணிவிக்கின்றார் பொய்கையார். எதற்காக என்றால் துன்பக்கடலில் இருந்து நீங்குவதற்காக என்கின்றார்.

ஞான விளக்கு

இப்பாசுரத்தைப் போன்று பூதத்து ஆழ்வாரும்,

அன்பே தகளியா ஆர்வமே நெய்யாக
இன்புருகு சிந்தை இடுதிரியா - நன்புருகி

ஞானச் சுடர்விளக் கேற்றினேன் நாரணற்கு
ஞானத் தமிழ்புரிந்த நான்


எனப் பாடி, இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதியைத் தொடங்குகின்றார். தம் தமிழை ஞானத்தமிழ் என்றும், அது திருமாலுக்கு உரியது என்றும் அருளியுள்ளார்.

இப்பாசுரத்தில் அன்பு என்னும் விளக்கு ஆர்வம் என்னும் நெய் ஊற்றப்பட்டு, மனம் என்னும் திரி இட்டு ஞானம் என்னும் சுடர்விளக்காக ஏற்ப் படுவதாகப் பாடுகின்றார் ஆழ்வார்.

பேயாழ்வார் அருளியது மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி. இது இயற்பாவில் இடம் பெற்றது. 100 வெண்பாக்கள் இதில் உள்ளன. இத்திருநூல் திருக்கண்டேன் எனத் தொடங்கி, சார்வு நமக்கு என்றும் எனத் தொடங்கும் வெண்பாவில் முடிகின்றது. இது திருக்கோவலூரில் அருளிச் செய்யப்பட்டது.


திருக் கண்டேன் பொன்மேனி கண்டேன் திகழும்
அருக்கன் அணி நிறமும் கண்டேன் - செருக் கிளரும்
பொன் ஆழி கண்டேன் புரிசங்கம் கண்டேன்
என்ஆழி வண்ணன்பால் இன்று

Decoding the Nandha Villaku

During Every Saturday of the Purattasi month, it is said Lord Sri Venkatesa expecting His devotees to come closer to his consort hills. And for those who could not afford to travel at length, he beams himself through the light of this specific ViLakku. Thus, a devotee getting His Lord’s Darshan without climbing the seven hills of Thirumalai Tirupati. Also, the carbon emanated through the mixture of rice flour and cow’s ghee is said to remove all the ill radiations and negative vibrations from one’s home and that too when one recites aloud the name of the Lord God when the lighted cotton soak goes off. To make it worthy, devotees used to recite the Lord Gods name several times.

On this day, the Govinda Nama sankeerthanam reverberates on the hills of Venkatam as the sevArthees meditate on the dheepam and climb the hills to have the sevai of this eternal dheepam. Azhwars call it Nanada Vilakke.

Decoding the Maa Vilakku Recipe


  •  Raw Rice – 1 cups
  •  Jaggery – ½ cup
  •  Cardamom – 4nos
  • benzoine known as Pacchaikarpooram a pinch
  • Grated coconut – 2 table spoons
  •  Ghee – 2 table spoons
  •  Wick – 4 inch length


  • Wash and soak the rice for 15 minutes.
  • Drain well and spread on a white cloth.
  • Grind the rice in a heavy duty mixer a little at a time and sieve.
  • When all the rice is ground, mix with powdered jaggery’, grated coconut, Pachaikarporam and cardamom
  • On a silver plate shape this dough in to the shape of a lamp or ViLakku. Pour ghee and place a wick.
  • Light the lamp and wait until it completes burning.
  • Chant slokas and Govinda Nama.
  • When the lamp is about to go off, do offerings, neivedhyam of Milk or Fruits. Afterwards, remove the burnt wick, mix the dough properly, and distribute the prasadam.

Monday 31 August 2020

திரு ஓணம் - வாமன அவதாரம் -திருவவதாரச் பாசுரங்கள்

All the Vaishnava saints called Azhvars were deeply in love with this incarnation.  They enjoyed this avatar as can be seen by / in the pasurams sung by them.  A few examples are given below:

Mahabali - Wikipedia


Periazhvar had enjoyed the growth of Lord Krishna from his cradle to boyhood.  He was the only Azhvar who sang   to the Lord (Pallandu), while others sang in praise of him.  In his Thirumozhi verses 44, 45 when he sings ‘lullaby’ to infant Krishna in the cradle the azhvars refers to Vamana avatar.  In verse 104, while referring to the pranks of Lord Krishna the Azhvar refers to Vamana taking gigantic steps and swirling of Namveli, the son of King Mahabali.

ஓரடியும் சாடுதைத்த ஒண்மலர்ச் சேவடியும்,

ஈரடியும் காணலா மென்னெஞ்சே. - ஓரடியில்

தாயவனைக் கேசவனைத் தண்டுழாய் மாலைசேர்,

                                   மாயவனையே மனத்து வை.

Oradiym sAdudhaiththa oN malarch chEvadiyum
Iradiyum kANalAm en nenjE Oradiyil
thAyavanaik kEsavanaith thaNduzhAy mAlai sEr
mAyavanaiyE manaththu vai

Word by Word Meaning

en nenjE – Oh my heart!
Oradiyil thAyavanai – one who measured all the worlds with one divine foot
kEsavanai – destroying a demon named kESi
thaN thuzhAy mAlai sEr – decorated with cool, thuLasi garland
mAyavanaiyE – only that emperumAn who has amazing activities
manaththu vai – keep in your heart

(if he is attained like this)
Or adiyum – the divine foot which measured the worlds
sAdu udhaiththa – kicked such that the wheel broke into smithereens
oN malar sEvadiyum – divine foot which is like a beautiful reddish flower
Iradiyum – both the divine feet
kANalAm – could see


Andal (Godha):

The maiden goes about inviting her friends to take bath in the early hours of the day (bath in the river of devotion to Sri Krishna).  Her compendium of 30 songs could be divided into 3 stages of 10 verses each.  In verses 3, 17 & 24 of Tiruppavai, she refers to Vamanan.

 ஓங்கி உலகளந்த உத்தமன் பேர்பாடி

நாங்கள் நம்பாவைக்குச் சாற்றுநீ ராடினால்

தீங்கின்றி நாடெல்லாம் திங்கள் மும்மாரி பெய்து

ஓங்குபெரும் செந்நெல் ஊடு கயலுளக

பூங்குவளைப் போதில் பொறிவண்டு கண்படுப்பத்

தேங்காதே புக்கிருந்து சீர்த்த முலைபற்றி

வாங்கக் குடம்நிறைக்கும் வள்ளல் பெரும்பசுக்கள்

நீங்காத செல்வம் நிறைந்தேலோர் எம்பாவாய்(3)

அம்பரமே, தண்ணீரே, சோறே அறஞ்செய்யும்

எம்பெருமான்! நந்தகோ பாலா! எழுந்திராய்;

கொம்பனார்க் கெல்லாம் கொழுந்தே! குலவிளக்கே!

எம்பெரு மாட்டி! யசோதாய்! அறிவுறாய்;

அம்பரம் ஊடறுத் தோங்கி உலகளந்த

உம்பர்கோ மானே! உறங்காது எழுந்திராய்;

செம்பொற் கழலடிச் செல்வா! பலதேவா!

உம்பியும் நீயும் உறங்கேலோ ரெம்பாவாய். (17)

அன்று இவ்வுலகம் அளந்தாய்! அடிபோற்றி,

சென்றங்குத் தென்னிலங்கை செற்றாய்! திறல்போற்றி,

பொன்றச் சகடம் உதைத்தாய்! புகழ்போற்றி,

கன்று குணிலா எறிந்தாய்! கழல்போற்றி,

குன்று குடையா எடுத்தாய்! குணம்போற்றி,

வென்று பகைகெடுக்கும் நின்கையில் வேல்போற்றி,

என்றென்று உன்சேவகமே ஏத்திப் பறைகொள்வான்

இன்றுயாம் வந்தோம், இரங்கேலோ ரெம்பாவாய். (24)

Vamana avatar - Visnhu incarnatie | Vishnu, Lord vishnu, Avatara

Poigai Azhvar: 

In his Mudal Tiruvandadhi, 21st verse he refers to the act of the Lord measuring 3 steps.



In his 5th verse of “Erandavdu Tiruvandadhi”, the reference is to the Lord’s act asking for 3 measures of Land. “Adi Moonril…”

                                             அடிமூன்றி லிவ்வுலகம் அன்றளந்தாய் போலும்

அடிமூன் றிரந்தவனி கொண்டாய், - படிநின்ற

நீரோத மேனி நெடுமாலே நின்னடியை

ஆரோத வல்லார் அறிந்து.


In “Moonram Tiruvandadhi” in 4th verse the azhvar refers to act of the Lord measuring with 3 steps.


மருந்தும் பொருளும் அமுதமும் தானே,
திருந்திய செங்கண்மா லாங்கே, - பொருந்தியும்
நின்றுலக முண்டுமிழ்ந்தும் நீரேற்றும் மூவடியால்,
அன்றுலகம் தாயோன் அடி.


In the azhvar’s “Periya Tiruvandadhi” in 16th verse, he refers to Vamana …. Per vamanan…agakall….In 51st verse the reference is both to Vamana and Krishna avatars in the same verse.

சீரால் பிறந்து சிறப்பால் வளராது,
பேர்வாம னாகாக்கால் பேராளா,-மார்பாரப்
புல்கிநீ யுண்டுமிழ்ந்த பூமிநீ ரேற்பரிதே?
சொல்லுநீ யாமறியச் சூழ்ந்து.

மனவாளும் μரைவர் வன்குறும்பர் தம்மை,
சினமாள்வித் தோரிடத்தே சேர்த்து-புனமேய
தண்டுழா யானடியே தான்காணும் அதன்றே,
வண்டுழாம் சீராக்கு மாண்பு?


His reference to Vamana avatar is abundant.

Hindu Mythology - Wisdom of Hinduism: Birth of Vamana and slaying and  Dhundu Rakshah

Decoding the Symbolisms of Lord Vamana

The demon king, Bali, was fair and righteous, yet for all his virtues, Bali was extremely proud and driven by fierce ambition. After conquering the Underworld and all the Earth, Bali managed to wrest the Heavens from the God Indra. Unable to reclaim his seat, Indra implored Vishnu for aid, and so Vishnu took the form of a small mortal man, a priest named Vamana.

In his splendid palace, Bali was giving gifts to the pious. Vishnu,  took the form Vamana and carrying a wooden umbrella, requested only as much land as he could cover in three steps. Bali offered Vamana an island but Vamana stuck to his request, which Bali granted against the wishes of his advisor. Immediately, Vamana grew to cosmic proportions, crashing through the ceiling of the palace and filling the sky. With one colossal step, he engulfed all the Earth and the Underworld. With a second step, he consumed the heavens. Now, with everything under his two units, Vamana had nowhere to place his third step. He challenged Bali to go back on his word or offer somewhere else for him to step. Bali’s demon army surged forth, but the demon king held them back. Bowing in humility, Bali offered his head as the third step. Vamana sends Bali to the underworld but, in recognizing Bali’s benevolence, shows mercy by granting him sovereignty over it in appreciation of Bali’s sacrifice.

Vishnu returned control of the Heavens to Indra and left his Avatar behind, but he also left behind a valuable lesson. Even the mightiest and most arrogant of kings can be humbled by the smallest of men.

Decoding the Attha Pookolam:

Pookolam rangoli designs are usually created in ten rings, each ring representing deities in the Hindu pantheon.

First rings describes Lord Ganesha, second ring defines Shiva and Shakti, third-Lord Shiva, fourth-Lord Brahma, fifth dedicated to Pancha Boothangal, sixth-Shanmughan, seventh describes Guru, eighth – Ashta Digpalakar, ninth defines describes Indra and tenth defines Lord Vishnu

The size of a pookalam is increased daily for ten days, by adding a ring or a step on the outside to the initial pookalam design. On the main day of Onam, a really large pookolam gets ready.\

The making of a Pookolam is an events in itself, and is an extremely colourful and joyous one.

About Pookalam | Pookalam Designs for Onam Festival - Temples In India Info  - Slokas, Mantras, Temples, Tourist Places

Decoding the Onam Sadya:

Onam sadya recipes
The dishes in a Sadhya are not served in a random order, but there is a particular sequence to this.

Talking about the most important dishes in a sadhya, native one adds, “We make something called the injicurry which is like a chutney of ginger and tamarind. Then there is thoran, kalan, avial and so on which are all vegetable based. Sambar, daal and papad is a must too.”

Serving sadhya is an art in itself, The narrow part of the leaf faces the left and the dishes are served and eaten in a particular order that also aids digestion. A pinch of salt and a banana are served first and then the rest, it finally ends with a payasam or sweet.

Onam platter
Sarkara Varatti (banana wafers).
Pickle (often a mango pickle is served)
Thoran (dry vegetable dish with coconut sprinkled on top)
Olan (dish with vegetables, black eyed beans in a mildly spiced coconut gravy)
Avial (a mixed vegetable dish)
Pulissery (Yogurt-based dish, like a raita)
Kalan (A dish with raw banana in a buttermilk gravy)
Koottucurry (Curry with vegetables and Bengal gram dal)
Rasam and Moru

Thursday 13 August 2020

ஸ்ரீ ஜெயந்தி vs கோகுலாஷ்டமி

Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Krishna, an Avatar of the Hindu deity Vishnu. This avatar let us have a darshan of an adorable, lovable child who’s stories would be told to kids for several thousands of years to come! And as an adult, Sri Krishna Perumal gave us the Bhagavad Gita, the treasure of spiritual knowledge.

There seems to be some difference among communities on the day observed as the birth of Sri Krishna.

With respect to the specific case of Lord Krishna's birth, Sri M.N.Ramanuja writes:

Regarding SriJayanthi Adiyen has this to say Five thousand years ago, when Srikrishna was born, the day was

Simha masam (Avani), Sravana masam, Bahula, Ashtami. and Rohini star.

Hence ideally all these conditions have to match to celebrate Srijayanthi.

Sri M.N. Ramanuja has succinctly described the problem.

Different interpretations of the texts that describe Sri Krishna's birth lead to different conclusions as to when to celebrate it.

The factors are:

1) Solar month

2) Lunar month

3) Nakshatra (constellation aligned with the moon)

4) Tithi (loosely, phase of the moon)

5) how to determine these when combined with other factors such as sunrise or moonrise

(In a nutshell, the difference stems from lunar vs. solar month and whether to take sunrise or moonrise into consideration for determining jayantI. this will be explained below.)

அஷ்டமி திதி (Ashtami Thithi)

ரோகினி நக்ஷத்திரம் (Nakshatram)

1. Gokulashtami for Smarthas

2. Sri Jayanthi for Vaishnavas belongs to Vaikanasa & Munithraya

3. Sri Jayanthi for Vaishnavas belongs to Pancharatra

The Smartha tradition generally observes the birth of Sri Krishna on SrAvaNa-krishna-ashTamI, giving importance only to the tithi. They also generally follow the lunar calendar for this observance and celebrate it in SrAvaNa (lunar month), without paying attention to the nakshatra or the solar month.

Most other religious traditions in the country have followed this practice. Since for all these traditions the tithi is given importance, those who follow this reckoning call the day (Sri Krishna) janmAshTamI or gokulAshTamI

Broadly, there are two different opinions within the Sri Vaishnava tradition concerning this matter. One can be called the 'mannAr' tradition, the other the 'tOzhappar' tradition. (In a nutshell, the difference stems from lunar vs. solar month and whether to take sunrise or moonrise into consideration for determining jayantI. this will be explained below.).

2. Vaishnavas belongs to Vaikanasa & Munithraya

There are groups of Vaishnavas people who belongs to Vaikanasa observe the birth celebration on the evening - night time for the thithi and star combination  Rohini nakshatram.

3. Sri Jayanthi for Vaishnavas belongs to Pancharatra

Pancharathra temples observe the combination at day time. 

The mannAr tradition is followed by Sri Parakala Matham and 'munitraya' tradition Sri Vaishnavas such as both Andavan Ashramams and most Vadagalai acharya-purusha families. It is named after one mannAr svAmi of unknown date who is the first extant authority arguing for this calculation.mannAr svAmi is known to have very eminent predecessors who shared his opinion, such as the Upanishad Bhashyakara Ranga Ramanujacharya.

The tOzhappar tradition is followed by Sri Ahobila Matham and Thengalai Sri Vaishnavas. It is named after Sri Vaidika Sarvabhauma Swami, also known as Kidambi Thozhappar, who wrote a detailed text establishing the reasoning behind his tradition. He was a disciple of the founding Jeeyar Swami of Sri Ahobila Matham.

Having briefly laid out the history, here are the differences themselves. The tOzhappar tradition is simpler so I will lay it out first.

tOzhappar SrI jayantI:

1) Only the solar month is taken into account. So it must be in simha (AvaNi) mAsam, which is mid-August to mid-September.

2) The target date in this month is kRshna-ashTamI (8th day of the waning phase of the moon) in conjunction with rOhiNI. However, on that day, not even a tiny bit of saptamI should exist post-sunrise, nor should there be any kRttikA nakshatram.

3) If there is no pure ashTamI-rOhiNI conjunction as described in (2), navamI-rOhiNi is the next preferred conjunction, with once again a pure rOhiNi mandatory.

4) If (3) is not possible, mRgaSIrsha nakshatra combined with navamI or daSamI is the next preferred choice.

5) If this observance of SrI jayantI does not fall on ashTamI, the ashTamI is treated as any other day and requires no special observance.

Mannar SrI jayantI:

1) The ideal date is the conjunction of rOhiNI and kRshNa-ashTamI that lasts from sunrise through the night. (This need not happen in the solar month of AvaNi. Lunar month of SrAvaNa before AvaNi begins is also okay.)

2) If (1) is not possible, if at moonrise it is rOhiNI as well as ashTamI, that date should be taken. Neither the rOhiNi nor the ashTamI need be pure as in the tOzhappar tradition.

3) If (2) is not possible, if there is any conjunction of ashTamI and rOhinI day or night, that calendar day should be taken as SrI jayantI.

There are 12 more cases in the mannAr tradition which get quite complicated. But the primary focus in all is some occurrence of rOhiNI. In no circumstance should navamI without rOhiNI be taken as SrI jayantI. (Some other circumstances such as being on a Wednesday Sri Krishna is said to be born on this day of the week] push the date in one direction or another.)

The key is that in neither mannAr nor tOzhappar is the tithi given preference. This is why only rarely does the Sri Vaishnava date coincide with the smArta date.

This should explain why the mannAr tradition sometimes observes SrI jayantI as much as a month before the tOzhappar tradition. Since the latter exclusively prefers the solar month, their date often falls several weeks later. Further, it also explains why the mannAr observance is often just a day before the tOzhappar date. This is because the mannAr tradition takes into account moonrise whereas the tOzhappar tradition only takes into account sunrise.

Occasionally, mannAr tradition Sri Vaishnavas have to observe two days of fasting in a row -- janmAshTamI as well as SrI jayantI. This is when the ashTamI and

rOhiNI simply do not coincide at all and fall one after another in the solar month of AvaNi. Note that this janmAshTamI is not the same as the smArta calculation of janmAshTamI.

Note: texts consulted:

o 'SrI jayantI nirNaya' by Sri Gopalarya Mahadesika

o 'Ahnika granthaH' of Sri Villivalam Krishnamacharya

(present Sri Azhagiya Singar in pUrvASrama)

Under Pancharathram, temples are constructed away from towns, on hills and on river banks. All who get dheekshai are equal. Andal is worshipped equal to Lakshmi. Azhwars are also installed in temples and worshipped. The same five states of Sriman Narayanan are worshipped in Pancharathram as in Vaikansam. Srirangam, Kanchi, Melakkottai, Tiruvallur etc are pancharathra temples.